Saturday, 3 July 2010

Exciting times for the GICM!

Well, I am no longer the chair of the Guild of Infant and Child Massage. Having held the post for over five years, I am happy to have had the opportunity to hand it over to Elizabeth, who has been a brilliant vice-chair; which now allows me the chance to take up the research co-ordinator's post, which I am quite excited about.

I have always felt strongly about the role the GICM plays in the world of infant massage and believe that we can make a difference to the standards of trainings and practice, but now, with a strong, committed committee (excuse the pun!), I think we will really move forward this coming year.

Well, I had better get on with trying to get to grips with the SPSS programme that I need to use to analyse the results of my infant massage pilot study (the one about the use of songs and rhymes with baby massage). I will have the opportunity to really get a feel for it, as I have an assignment for the MSc that needs to be done before the end of July. I am not good at techie bits, but needs must where the devil drives, I need to learn this if I am to progress!!

Oh well, on with the work.


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